Donnerstag, 22. Dezember 2016

Launch of, come and say Hi!

Hey everyone!
I am very excited to announce that my blog has been launched (or re-launched!) I have decided to mainly lay my focus on fashion/beauty and so I though it is time to say goodbye to this little baby and create a new one with its own domain name.

I am beyond excited and can't wait to post regular content on my new blog!

Three outfit posts have gone up so far, but please bear with me, there is definitely more to come.

But anyways, head over and say hi :))



Donnerstag, 17. November 2016

The one about being conscious

The absolute worst for me, is to just be "alive".
Waking up in the morning, ticking the boxes of your daily routine, going to bed at night.
It is tiring me and I realise that I am nothing else but existing.

I wallow in memories of the past and wonder about the future ahead of me. Instead of living in this exact moment.

There have been times like these in the past, once I`m in it, it is hard to get out of there again. It is like living surrounded by a grey cloud. You are practically there, present, but just fogged. While it is hard for the sun to get through.

Photography has helped me a lot this time. The thing about it is, it captures this exact moment. No past, no future. Just this one moment. This one second you`re hitting the release. This one second where the light shines brighter than the second before, this one second a person laughs an exceptional laugh, louder and wider than the second before.

Consciousness. That is what I was looking for, for such a long time. Being in the moment. Accepting yourself in this moment of time and appreciating the beauty and uniqueness of it.

Montag, 25. April 2016

The one about finding a new flat, moving and travelling back home

Yep, these past few weeks have been crazy busy.
Traveling back and forth between Switzerland to celebrate my birthday and London, where my forthcoming flat move kept me busy, I did not really find the time for a (longer and a chattier) blog post. 
But during that time, I took a lot of pictures (mostly) on my new phone (!) which I would like to share with you. It is obviously a colourful mix between events, as well as geographical locations! ;) 
Hope you guys like posts like these, since I will be posting more stuff like that in the future. Due to my newly regained love called "photography". 
Oh and stay tuned for more interior decoration ideas on this blog! PLUS: don't forget to follow me on Instagram! ABOUT_JENNA

Donnerstag, 18. Februar 2016

Confession of love: LONDON

It`s been a busy week in lovely London.. Loads of Uni stuff going on, but still, I didn't miss wandering around and exploring my favourite city of all time, I can now call my home!

It started off with a visit to London`s famous Portobello Street Market. It`s been a sunny (but freezing cold day) for once and passing all the food and vegetable stands, made my heart jump for joy!
It followed a great birthday bash in the pub district of Old Street. Chinese food, karaoke and pubs! Three of my favorite things in the whole world! Could this get any better?

Yes it could! I discovered this tiny vegan coffeeshop not far from where I live, right next to Regent`s canal and the Camden Market. Yep, I`m now an official addict of their Panini toastie! (Which tastes even better with a hangover!)

A few busy and tiring uni days followed.. And the weather didn't really contribute uplifting the mood.. Time for another museum: The National Portrait Gallery. Great paintings and photographs, but way too many tourists.. Still managed to catch a glimpse at Ziggy Stardust :)

And here I am now. Sipping my soya flat white @ Kahaila Brick Lane, reading the news, writing and editing.

Yes, I bet, I can't get any better! Thank`s lovely London!

Montag, 1. Februar 2016

Sunday @ the V&A London

Spend a lovely Sunday afternoon visiting one of my fav museums in London, the V&A, strolling around Kensington and even enjoyed a posh moment at Harrods. Here are a few impressions. 

Have a good start of the week, 

Samstag, 30. Januar 2016


-Nope, these are NOT the only things I eat!

It`s been almost 3 weeks now, where I have been trying (up until now pretty successfully) to go temporarily vegan. I have to say, I have always been pretty aware of my diet, but not in a “trying-to-be-Heidi-Klum-supermodel-like” aware, more in “I-prefer-the-healthy-me-better-than-the-junkfood-me” aware. If you get what I mean?
Too often I experienced this veeeery unsatisfied feeling of abdominal fullness (great word..!), bloating, and/or other consequences… (TMI! but we all have been through this…)

So, years ago, with the help of a test, which, roughly said, estimated your “diet type”, I got to know which things are good for my body and which are simply not. Easy, right? But simultaneously this meant for me; no burgers, no huge meals including loads of red meat, and only a few things, which would include dairy. Yes, I know, all the fun things…
But guess what? No more bloated bellies, no more discomfort after meals AND no endless craving for food. Good news! :)
So, since I realised that red meat is basically poison for my body, I decided to go vegetarian, which is now a couple of years ago. It`s not that I don`t like eating meat, don`t get me wrong! But, I just preferred how my body felt after eating a salad, then after eating a burger (or other meaty food, of course^^)

“So why going vegan then?” “Is veggie not enough challenging?” To be honest, my decision on going vegan was quite spontaneous. PLUS, I like challenges. ;) So, when Christmas was over and I was about to go back to London, I said to myself that this would be the perfect opportunity to go vegan. Temporarily.
I just think, that especially cities like London, offer a huge variety of vegetarian and also vegan food.

After more than two weeks, I can now finally talk about some of my experiences:
1.     YES sometimes it is F****** hard! I never had a problem with my vegetarian diet, but vegan is another pair of shoe we are talking about…
2.     You prefer cooking at home for yourself, rather than running to the next place to get your take-out dinner. Which is kinda nice as well, I LOVE cooking ;)
3.     No snacking or nibbling of yummy stuff like crisps, (YES, most of them include MILK, what the heck?!)
4.     You realise the shocking truth of the unnecessary use of diary/animal products in most of the ready to eat products and even cosmetics. (see nr.3…)
5.     There are great alternatives to diary/meat products. Such as coconut, soya or almond milk, olive oil spread (instead of butter) or dried soya as an alternative to minced meat.
6.     Regular retail shopping is no longer an option. Instead “Whole Foods Market” or small independent organic shops, as well as street markets, are my go-to at the moment.

I     I have to be honest, I think it is going to be hard to keep up with this kind of nutrition, especially when going back home to Switzerland. However, I think it has taught and showed me a lot and I will definitely keep up with some of the vegan options. Such as almond milk, Chia seeds and YES Quinoa too! ;)

All in all, I think going vegan is something worth trying if you experienced similar "symptoms", which I mentioned at the beginning. However, I think that the vegan nutrition is not meant for everyone. Simply because every person and body is different. I truly believe though, that we should listen more carefully to our body. Especially when it comes to nutrition and lifestyle.


Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016

It`s been a while....

Hi all!

It`s been a while... "A while" in this case means more than a year! Quite a tumultious year I have to admit, including: A breakup, jobs, traveling, falling in love, moving to London, starting University and chopping off my hair again! (just to name a few..) Yep, 2015 has been one of the craziest years so far..! AND I`ve been missing blogging AF! So here I am, back again! <3

A few changes regarding this little babe here will also occur: ABOUT JENNA should become more of a lifestyle blog, rather then only fashion. This would mean, more posts engaging topics like art, music, books, traveling, feminism... (so basically all the things, which are romping around in my mind)

ALSO: great news! you now have the aaaaamaaaazing opportunity to follow me on Instagram! (about_jenna)
And yes, it`s just Instagram up until now.. This is due to a horrible learning disorder of mine, towards new forms of media. (Or because I am just not really a birds person, if you know what I mean) ;)

So stay tuned&talk to u soon!
